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Watercolour for starters

Learn to paint in this beautiful medium in just six weeks of expert classes

If you have always wanted to paint, I can give you an opportunity in this course aimed at beginners and those who aspire to develop their skills.

In a completely friendly and non-threatening environment, Max will teach you the basics  to build confidence and motivation. Touching on a mix of subjects landscapes, people, coast, and animals etc

Plus brush skills, colour mixing and which areas to try out your newly found hobby.

First-session materials are provided and advice is given on what to buy going forward.

On Thursday evenings actual date TBC

October for six consecutive weeks

6.30 pm until 8.30pm 



Venue to be confirmd

Bookings can be made by calling Max directly at 07792 015059, through PayPal, or by bank transfer to Maxwell Hale sort code 40 47 65 account number 04534433

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