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Max Hale
artist/painter & tutor
Portraits from Scratch - Step by step to final painting
Two x 3 weekly modules - book separately or both together- any medium
Broad Hinton Village Hall - SN4 9RH off J16 M4
Module 1
How to construct a portrait, understand the method in building your painting. Develop your visual dexterity and particular points of reference to gain a likeness.
The important true basics of this art in capturing the human face, head and shoulders to credible pieces of work
7, 14, 21 March 2017
1pm - 4pm
Module 2
Building on Module 1
How to recognise subtlety and mix accurate flesh tones, the importance of colour and value structure. How to depict hair and how to enhance your portraits with contextual or simple backgrounds. Make decisions on edges and characterful lines where necessary
28 March 4,11 April 2017
1pm - 4pm
During each module, you will be tutored personally as well as within the group to develop your own style and become more knowledgeable & confident.
This course is aimed at all levels of painter.
The same or similar courses will be available in the future, click 'email me' if you'd like advance notice of their release. Without obligation.
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